Friday, June 22, 2007

Ahh...the many joys of parenting

My son, 9 months and counting Mashallah, has been teething big time lately. I could see his tooth just about to cut his gums and he was fussy and cranky, as are most teething babies. We have all kinds of teethers for him - plastic ones, colorful ones, water filled ones, gel filled ones, freezable ones, etc. He however, does not want any of them. Instead he wants a new one he TOE! If I am sitting on the sofa with my legs up, he will sneak over and start sucking them. While cooking, he will creep up behind me, lie down flat on his tummy and try to bite them. When I move my toe away and say No to him, he looks up and wails at me as if I just did the greatest injustice to him. (What he doesn't realize is I just saved him from the greatest injustice.)

What's up with that?


Hussam Ayloush said...

Take my advice Maryam. Let him get your toe and videotape him doing so. This will provide you with the leverage you ARE going to need when he becomes a teenager. Take my word, you will need all the blackmail tools you can get. :)

sabiha said...

Aawww, so cute Maryam. Can't wait to share my baby's blackmailable cuteness too insha'allah.

Karen Dabdoub said...
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Karen Dabdoub said...

I had one that loved toes too when he was around 1-2 years old. He used to crawl under the table at meal time and nibble on everyone's toes. This was rather embarrassing when we had company! But don't worry Sis Maryam I'm sure inshaAllah your little guy will grow up to be just as wonderful and loving as my little (BIG) guy has, MashaAllah!

Anonymous said...

Good post.